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Guidance Counselors

Our Mission

The counselors at Hughes STEM High School are committed to providing social, emotional, academic and career/college support to students to ensure they achieve their highest potential inside and outside of the classroom. 

Our Vision

We envision a community of empowered, well-rounded individuals that are college and career ready, engaged in the community and empowered to lead their generation in the science, technology, engineering and math disciplines.

We believe every student can learn and, when equipped with the proper tools, flourish beyond their own limitations.

How can my school counselor help me?

  • Advocate for students
  • Academic support
  • Career/College questions and guidance
  • Social Emotional challenges and strategies
  • How can I contact my School Counselor?
    • Email
    • Phone Number: (513) 363-7400 (main office)
    • Schoology
    • Request a meeting: Virtual or In-person