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Get Involved

Family involvement is essential to student success. At Hughes STEM High School, there are many ways to connect with students and staff. If you are interested in assisting us, please contact (513) 363-7400.


Become a volunteer! Your time and talent will make a difference in the lives — and futures — of our students. Opportunities to volunteer include:

  • Chaperone
  • Office assistant
    • Mailing
    • Copying
    • Phone calls to parents
  • Help with schoolwide functions
  • Serve on Welcome committee
  • Parent ambassadors
  • Recruit committee members to the Hughes Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA)
  • Attend community council meetings to represent the school
  • Instruction helper
  • Room parent

To get started, email or call (513) 363-7400.

Local School Decision Making Committee (LSDMC)

The LSDMC is the primary governing body for each school in the district. This committee gives insight and input into important decisions that greatly impact students' lives and shape their educational experiences.
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. They are currently meeting virtually.

The function of the LSDMCs includes:

  • Adopting bylaws, including the school's mission and vision
  • Setting measurable goals, based on a needs assessment
  • Developing a broad plan (One Plan) to implement these goals
  • Completing a mid-year and end-of-year progress report
  • Making recommendations and approving the school budget
  • Participating in the selection of the principal when a vacancy exists
  • Approving locally initiated changes in the school's program or focus
  • Making recommendations to the principal regarding other school issues
  • Seeking grants to support the school's programs (optional)
  • Coordinating and overseeing the development of the school as a Community Learning Center
  • The committee is composed of parents, teachers, staff members and community members.


The Hughes STEM PTSA acts as a resource for families as they advocate for the education and wellbeing of their children. This mission is met by providing parent education, modeling the STEM core values and providing resources to families for improved communication and performance between teachers, students and parents. The officers are as follows:

  • President - Patty Blanchard
  • Vice President - Georgina Opoku
  • Secretary - Dominica Brantley
  • Treasurer - Charise Solomon

PTSA meetings are held on the first Wednesdays of the month via Google Meet at 5:30p.m. If you would like to join, please send a request for our link to

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Patty Blanchard via email or call (513) 335-4029.

Need more information? Check out our Facebook!

Alumni and Reunions

The Hughes Alumni Foundation exists to inspire pride and support of Hughes Center (formerly Hughes High School) among alumni, friends, students and the Greater Cincinnati community; to connect alumni, students and the community; to encourage academic excellence among Hughes students; and to be vigilant in protecting and tending to the beautiful and historic building of Hughes Center.

Visit the Hughes Alumni Foundation website

Security Badges and Background Checks

To assure the safety of students and staff, Cincinnati Public Schools requires security badges for anyone entering CPS' buildings. One-time visitors receive a temporary security badge from the front office. Individuals who visit our buildings on a regular basis, such as volunteers, must obtain a security badge and wear it at all times in our buildings. Learn more about how to obtain a security badge.