Student Smart Badge
1. Each student will be issued an ID badge (with one lanyard) annually at the beginning of the school year. All ID badges are the property of Hughes STEM High School and Cincinnati Public Schools. Students are responsible for their ID badges and it is expected that proper care be given.
- The ID badge may not be changed or altered in any way.
The badge must be visible and worn at all times and displayed above the waist.
2. Students must have their ID badge while:
In the school building and/or school property.
At a school sponsored event.
During school supported transportation.
All students will be required to scan their ID badge on the ID badge scanner on the bus if available when they board and exit the bus.
3. Students who do not have their ID badges must report to the front office and will be issued a temporary ID badge.
All ID badge requests will only be done before school, during breaks, or after school. No ID badges will be issued during instructional time.
4. A student who has lost his/her identification badge, must apply for a replacement in the School’s main office. Damaged or defaced ID badges will be confiscated and must be replaced.
The first replacement is free. The cost of an additional replacement ID badge is $10.00.
5. Students are to adhere to the following guidelines and procedures:
ID badges shall not be duplicated.
Any student with unauthorized possession of an ID badge not belonging to the student will be subject to consequences defined in the Student Code of Conduct.
A student must surrender his or her ID badge to any staff member upon the staff member’s request.
Anyone without an ID badge may be stopped and questioned as to their purpose.
Students withdrawing from Cincinnati Public Schools must return the ID badge to the school’s main office prior to their leaving.
When a student transfers to a different Cincinnati Public School, the student should retain their ID badge and exchange for a new badge at the new school.
ID Policy For Student Dining
Student ID badges will be used in the Student Dining cafeterias to get meals.